Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Wrong Turn...

The nagging feeling creeps up like a creeper on a tree. It wraps around you. In infinite loops, one leading to the next. The feeling that you have when you take a wrong turn on a winding mountain road. When time stops. And you drift into a parallel universe. Directionless. It has a way of rattling up hidden fears and fallacies. Like the Fear of the Unknown. One of the oldest fears known to the thinking world. The fear of losing control. Of Losing. The feeling of being abandoned. Shipwrecked on a virgin island. Alone.
It is at such moments that one realises how lonely one truly is. How alone. How powerless. And how un-independent. And the realization doesn't drift in like the afternoon breeze in Darjeeling. It hits like a slap on the face. Or a kick in the groin. Unmistakable. Blinding. Overpowering.
Blanked out, you scurry for cover. Among known ones. At known places. At regular hangouts. In familiar territory. You delve deep into the core of your comfort zone. Into messes and mazes only you understand. Into your deepest guarded secrets. Into what is truly only your own. Your shell. Your truth. Your kingdom. Your last refuge. The deepest cave known to man. Inside himself.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Second Best

Over the raptures
And over the thirst
Jumped the other
And he came in first.

Almost there
Yet truly unreckoned
Today he grieves
For coming in second.